How to Know When to Replace Your Air Filter


Air conditioners are a necessity during the scorching summer heat. When the system is working twice as hard, a clean filter helps ensure the air in the house stays cool. As a result, swapping out dirty filters for fresh ones is crucial for any AC maintenance.

Many people fail to change their dirty filters, leaving them with an inefficient and unhealthy living environment. To help prevent this issue, here are the most common signs you need a new AC filter.

The air conditioner is too hot

One of the most evident signs your AC filter needs changing is when the machine's rear section is getting too hot. Clogged filters force the air conditioner to put in more effort to maintain optimal temperatures, leading to overheating. Consequently, it will require frequent repairs and shorten the unit's lifespan. The easiest way to reduce the load is to change the filter regularly.

Inefficient cooling

If your AC isn't providing enough cool air or is producing warm air, a dirty filter may be the culprit. It doesn't allow clean air to pass through the appliance, thus dramatically reducing the comfort level for the inhabitants. To make light work of the problem, reach out to a top-rated HVAC technician. They have the cutting-edge tools and skills necessary to replace the component in no time.

Allergies flaring up

The AC filter is the first line of defense against contaminants and allergens. But when they're dirty or clogged, pollutants can invade the system and reach various house areas. As a result, people with chronic allergies may experience aggravated symptoms.

Spikes in the energy bill

When the energy bill soars, pinpointing the cause can be highly challenging. Higher figures are expected during hot summer months, but a dramatic increase points to a problem in the AC unit. More specifically, dirty air filters prevent the device from working efficiently, putting extra load on the system and leading to spikes in the electricity bills. To save money and help restore the unit to its former condition, hire professional HVAC contractors to replace the filter.

Dust around the air vent

Another tell-tale sign of dirty filters is dust accumulating near the vents. To verify this, compare the surfaces near the vents to the rest of the house. If there are more particles near the units, the chances are, your filter needs to be replaced.

Overdue maintenance? Call the professionals!

If you can't remember your last AC maintenance date, it may be time for another service. Generally, it would help if you changed dirty filters at least once every three months. However, the system may warrant a new filter more often if it's used more regularly.

CMB Air is residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair and company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need a new air conditioner, repair, maintenance or some other service, we can help! Call 813-461-6243 today!


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