Are Ductless Mini-Split ACs Worth It?


Getting a new AC system is one of the most significant parts of home renovations. More people are switching to ductless mini-splits for several reasons. They are also convenient since they allow you to mount a cooling solution in individual rooms rather than the entire space.

However, it would help if you considered many other factors before determining whether ductless mini-splits are a wise investment.

Is installing ductless mini-splits a good idea?

Mounting ductless mini-splits can be an extremely beneficial home improvement project for the following reasons:


Ductless mini-splits are much smaller and more flexible than conventional systems. Many models offer up to four indoor distributing units linked to an outdoor condenser. The four components can cool separate rooms, and each area comes with its thermostat for simple temperature adjustment. You can also reposition the indoor elements to deliver cooling to other zones.

Energy efficiency

Since they come without ducts, mini-splits don't face as much energy loss as central air conditioners. Traditional systems can waste more than 30% of power, especially if the ducts are in areas that aren't cooled.

On the other hand, most mini-splits help conserve energy usage. They can run consistently during hot summer months, adjusting temperatures as required. As a result, the chances of energy bill spikes are far lower.

Quiet operation

Another reason why ductless mini-splits are commonplace is their quiet operation. Earlier models used to be quite noisy, especially when running on higher settings, but modern systems don't face this issue. Since the condenser is located outside the property, there's less noise reaching the interior, further enhancing the comfort level.

Nonetheless, ductless mini-splits aren't perfect. Installing them has a few notable downsides:

Higher upfront cost

Mounting mini-split units cost around 30% more than traditional forced-air equipment. While the investment pays off after a couple of years, many people are put off by the higher installation price.

Installation calculations

Each component of a ductless mini-split unit must be placed with great care. The installation warrants the work of seasoned HVAC professionals since they know how to size each part and determine the optimal location.

Still, the process can get tricky, depending on the size and layout of the house. Consequently, many people end up with displaced or oversized air handlers, leading to short cycling. The result is a waste of energy and inaccurate humidity and temperature control.


Some homeowners don't like the look of ductless mini-splits. The internal components may not match the rest of the interior, thus reflecting poorly on the house's aesthetics.

Get professional installation of your ductless mini-splits

All in all, mounting ductless mini-splits can be an excellent choice, but only if a reliable technician carries it out. They'll closely examine your property to make sure the new units are a perfect fit.

CMB Air is residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair and company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need a new air conditioner, repair, maintenance or some other service, we can help! Call 813-461-6243 today!


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