How Often to Replace an Air Filter

An air filter should be replaced every 1 to 3 month

Regular maintenance of a home’s HVAC system is critical to ensure it works efficiently and lasts its expected lifetime. Regularly changing an HVAC system’s air filter is a crucial component of this regular maintenance, as the air filter keeps pollution and other debris out of the home’s air and ensures efficient operation to keep the home’s heating and air costs down. A dirty filter clogged with particles and debris slows down airflow, making it much harder for an HVAC system to keep the home warm in the winter or excellent in the summer. And because heating and cooling are typically about 50% of a home’s energy bill, a clean filter can decrease the energy bill by about 5 to 15%. Homeowners should pay attention to when an air filter needs to be changed in order to save on cost and keep the home comfortable.

Air filter replacement

An air filter should be replaced every 1 to 3 months. There are high-efficiency media filters that can last around 12 months before they need to be replaced. However, the frequency at which an air filter requires replacement depends on several factors, including the frequency of use, the filter brand and type, the number of pets in the home, the time of year, and the local environment.

Frequent use

The home’s location determines how often and when the HVAC is used and, subsequently, how often and when the filter should be changed. Generally, the more the HVAC system is used, the more often the filter must be changed.

For example, a home in a colder climate may not use the air conditioning often in the summer but turn on the heat most days in the winter; this means that the air filters need to be changed frequently in the winter due to higher use, and less frequently in the summer. Homes in warmer climates are likely to change their air filters often in the summer when they run the AC regularly, but not as often during winter, as running the heat likely isn’t needed every day.

Home occupants

The more people living in the home, the more often the air filter needs to be changed. This is because the more people there are, the more dust, dirt, and debris that flies around, clogging the HVAC system’s filter. Also, consider the behaviors and habits of the people in the home that might affect air quality, such as if there are smokers. Additionally, homes with pets must check and replace the filter more often, as the pet hair and dander clog the filter and inhibit the air quality.

The state of the air filter directly impacts how efficiently an HVAC system can run, whether the heat or the AC is running. Homeowners should check the filter regularly, as the more efficiently the HVAC system runs, the cheaper the energy bill and the more comfortable the home. If any issues arise, contact a professional HVAC repair company as soon as possible, as these issues must be attended to immediately.

CMB Air is a residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need a new air conditioner, repair, maintenance or some other service, we can help! Call (813) 447-1443 today!


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