Air Conditioner Prep for Winter in Florida

It’s typical for Florida to experience hurricanes, winds, and heavy rains.

Many homeowners like Florida because the winters are always mild compared to other areas. Nonetheless, the temperatures decrease significantly, and heating the house becomes necessary. So, homeowners need to prep their air conditioners for winter.

Here is how to prepare an air conditioner for winter in Florida:

Clean or change the air filters

Over time, the impurities in indoor air, including lint, fiber, dust, pollen, and pet dander, build up in the air filters. Clogged air filters reduce airflow into the air conditioner, causing the fans to work harder to pull in air. As a result, the fans wear out sooner. Also, the air conditioner will consume more energy to warm the air, increasing energy bills.

So, before winter sets in, homeowners should prevent this by changing the air filters. If they use recyclable air filters, they should clean them to keep the air conditioner working optimally.

Assess the external condition of the air conditioner

It’s typical for Florida to experience hurricanes, winds, and heavy rains. During these seasons, the air conditioner ductwork might get damaged without the homeowner realizing it. Before winter begins, a homeowner should check if there are any cracks in the pipes and if there’s any loose connection.

A malfunctioning ductwork might lose some conditioned air and cause the air conditioner to strain in maintaining the desired temperature. This means that part of the energy used in warming goes to waste. In addition, there will be uneven warming in the house. A professional can help repair the damaged parts of the air conditioner.

Clean the air conditioner coils

During heavy summer use, the evaporator and the condenser coils collect dirt, making the air conditioner inefficient. The evaporator coil is the one used for heating during the winter. If it’s dirty, it reduces the airflow inside the conditioner. Also, the dirt creates an insulation layer that cannot absorb heat. So, homeowners should keep it clean.

Although the condenser coil is not actively used during the winter, cleaning it is also essential. When clean, it can reduce the risk of indoor air contamination. Moreover, it increases the lifespan of the air conditioner.

Adjust the thermostat gradually during the cold season

In the cold winter days, the air conditioner needs to produce more heat. Drastically adjusting the settings to warm the air faster doesn’t do the air conditioner any favors. It strains and puts more wear on the unit.

Instead, homeowners should reset the thermostat bit by bit before the temperatures drop. This facilitates a smooth transition from the warmer to the colder days. Also, it’ll reduce energy usage and increase the air conditioner’s lifespan.

Prep the air conditioner to avoid winter disappointments

To prevent the air conditioner from breaking down during the winter, a homeowner should prepare it beforehand. A homeowner should call an expert if the air conditioner has gone without a professional check-up for over six months.

CMB Air is a residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need a new air conditioner, repair, maintenance or some other service, we can help! Call (813) 447-1443 today!


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