Winter Prep Tips: Restarting a Furnace
As the temperatures fall, now is the time to think about restarting the furnace.
As the temperatures fall, now is the time to think about restarting the furnace. For many of us, our furnaces have been sitting idle for months, and taking the necessary steps to prepare them for the colder weather is essential.
Here are a few tips for restarting the furnace this winter:
Change the filter
The first step is to change the air filter. A dirty filter can restrict airflow and force the furnace to work harder than required. A clean filter improves the furnace's heat distribution.
If there's a furry friend in the house, the filter is even more susceptible to dust, and therefore more regular replacement is recommended.
Set the thermostat to "heat"
Some people forget to set the thermostat to "heat." Without the correct settings, the thermostat won't kick on when needed. The recommended thermostat setting is 78 degrees Fahrenheit for summer and 68 degrees Fahrenheit for winter.
Clean the burners
A furnace that's sitting idle can attract a lot of dust. In addition, building dirt and debris around the burners can prevent the furnace from igniting correctly. A clogged furnace will also emit an unpleasant smell as soon as it restarts.
For these reasons, ensure the burners are clean before turning on the furnace. While cleaning, be on the lookout for rust or misplaced parts. A professional can always assist with the most technical sections.
Check and oil the blower
The blower compartment contains three of the most critical parts of the furnace – the motor, the squirrel cage, and the fan. Before turning on the furnace, check to ensure the three parts haven't fallen into disrepair.
Most importantly, the blower needs to be appropriately oiled. Ideally, a well-oiled furnace shouldn't produce unusual sounds when at work. However, if there are strange noises after the restart, consider calling an HVAC professional immediately.
Uncover the heating vents
Unblocking any heating vents that were covered during the summer months is essential. Ideally, the immediate area around the vents should be free from objects, including chairs, tables, or shelves.
Clear the chimney and vents
It's also crucial to clear the chimney and vents before firing up the furnace. A clogged chimney or vent can be a fire hazard. In addition, small animals can crawl into the chimney and cause obstruction.
Get professional assistance
Furnaces tend to work hard during the winter, so it's vital to ensure they are in good working condition before the coldest weather hits. By taking some time to prepare the furnace for winter, one can rest assured knowing that the home will be warm and cozy all season long.
Hiring a professional is always best if you're uncomfortable DIYing these steps. They'll be able to perform a safety check and ensure that everything is in working order.
CMB Air, based in Tampa, FL, offers unparalleled furnace installation, furnace tune-up, furnace replacement, furnace heat exchanger, furnace gas valve, furnace repair, furnace capacitor, and gas furnace repair services. Get financing with approved credit. Call (813) 447-1443.