Tips for Fall HVAC Maintenance

Regularly replacing the air filters is a crucial component of the maintenance process.

To ensure a home remains cozy and comfortable throughout the chilly winter season, planning ahead is crucial to carry out some essential furnace maintenance tasks. These actions will enable the heating system to run optimally, maintain a warm environment, and save significant amounts on potential repair costs. Here are some crucial HVAC system maintenance and tune-up tips to practice during the fall.

Change the air filters

Regularly replacing the air filters is a crucial component of the maintenance process. Dirty filters require the unit to work harder to circulate air through the system, resulting in increased wear and a shorter lifespan. Clean filters can promote better indoor air quality.

Change the air filters if strange noises come from the HVAC system or a homeowner suspects poor performance. This step has financial benefits, but clean filters also create a healthier home. A clean filter reduces circulating dust, debris, and pollen particles that can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms.

Check the thermostat

Programmable, Smart thermostats allow homeowners to schedule the home’s temperature, ensuring warmth only when they’re present to enjoy it. A certified technician can inspect the thermostat and perform a regular tune-up to maintain optimal system efficiency. A malfunctioning thermostat may signal the heating unit incorrectly, leading to inconsistent temperatures.

Test carbon monoxide emissions

Professional HVAC maintenance should always include an evaluation of potential carbon monoxide emissions from the unit. An HVAC technician has the tools to detect this odorless, colorless gas. Installing carbon monoxide detectors near heating elements and gas appliances is advisable. However, a technician can detect small leaks before they grow large enough to trigger an alarm.

Insulate the attic

Insulating the attic is a highly effective way to improve a heating system’s efficiency, as warm air often escapes through the attic, causing the heating system to work harder. A well-insulated attic reduces the work a client’s HVAC unit has to do. Inspecting the insulation material can quickly determine if the attic is adequately insulated. If the insulation is not covering the floor joists, it needs improvement.

Clear the area around the exterior unit

Over the summer foliage, weeds, and debris may accumulate around a HVAC unit. Clear the area, particularly during fall, to prevent leaves from clogging the intake unit. This buildup can attract insects and other creatures seeking warmth during winter, reduce airflow efficiency, cause moisture retention leading to corrosion, and introduce dirt into the unit. Keeping the surroundings clean is a simple but crucial task for any homeowner.

Seal the home

Improperly sealed doors and windows allow cold air from outside to enter the house. Check the windows and doors for drafts, focusing on the edges and base areas. Consider applying rubber weather stripping to prevent cold air intrusion when noticing any air entering. Regular inspection of a home duct system for any air leakage is also vital. A well-sealed home can lower a client's energy bill by 10% to 15%.

Schedule a professional furnace tune-up

Fall is the perfect opportunity to prepare a furnace and heating system for winter. A technician will ensure the unit is clean and operating correctly during a professional tune-up. This inspection includes testing the airflow, cleaning the system, tightening electrical connections, and measuring motor voltages.

Such maintenance ensures the safe and efficient operation of a furnace throughout winter. If a system is relatively new, an annual tune-up might also maintain the validity of the warranty.

Replace an aging HVAC system

Replacing an old HVAC unit is costly; however, a newer model can prove beneficial if an HVAC system is over a decade old. Not only will a new unit offer greater reliability, but the advancements in efficiency technology over the past decade also render it a wiser choice. Talking with a professional HVAC Technician can provide a better recommendation based on the home.

Regular HVAC maintenance saves money

An efficiently running HVAC unit begins with regular tune-ups. Taking care of the unit can give an early warning of any potential issues before requiring more costly repairs. By addressing these concerns while the weather is still warm, there is ample time to make any necessary repairs. Regular tune-ups also estimate an HVAC unit’s lifespan, allowing the homeowner to plan for eventual replacement if required.

CMB Air is a residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need a new air conditioner, repair, maintenance or some other service, we can help! Call (813) 447-1443 today!


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