Signs an AC System Needs Repair

Issues with air conditioner systems aren't always straightforward. Due to the uncertainty, calling a professional for a full diagnosis, repair, or replacement is crucial.

As the seasons change and temperatures rise, air conditioners must be in the best condition. Unfortunately, it's difficult to tell whether air conditioner repair services are necessary since some issues are not always straightforward. However, there are some telltale signs to warn that the air conditioner system needs servicing.

Warning signs

Air conditioner system issues can be an inconvenience. They can fail without warning. But regular maintenance can pinpoint issues before they escalate. Look out for the following signs:

AC system blowing warm air

There are instances when the AC fails, and instead of blowing out cold air, it blows warm air. This is an indication that the AC needs repair.

Little air blowing from the vents

While the AC gives out cool air, the flow is too low to have an impact. This indicates a failing compressor or a duct problem.

Noisy AC unit

A noisy unit is a sign there is a problem. Common noises a malfunctioning unit makes include scraping, squealing, and grinding. Noise issues are related to a belt moving from its position. Running an AC in this condition further escalates the damage.

Water leaks or freon around the AC

Any moisture around or leaking from the AC spells trouble. It indicates a refrigerant leak. Freon is poisonous, and such a leak needs immediate handling. A blocked or broken tube could cause moisture accumulation.

Odors emanating from the unit

Any strange odors noticed from an AC system should be a warning sign. If there's a strong smell, the unit may have burned-out wires. A musty smell indicates mold in the ductwork or unit. A qualified technician can check for the source of the odor and recommend solutions.

Humidity in the home

The air conditioner reduces humidity in a house. Even when there is low humidity, the air holds moisture. If the house is humid even while the AC runs, it may need maintenance or repair.

High electric bills

High bills, even without extra usage, indicate a broken thermostat switch. Sometimes leaks in the ductwork or elevated age could cause this issue.

A thermostat that won't work

The thermostat is the system's command center. It guides the AC on the air needed and calculates measurements, ensuring everything runs as needed. If the unit runs for a while and then shuts off or doesn't turn on, the thermostat isn't operating correctly.

Bring in the professionals

Issues with air conditioner systems aren't always straightforward. Due to the uncertainty, calling a professional for a full diagnosis, repair, or replacement is crucial. Running the unit while it has issues damages the parts further. A professional service can diagnose the problem and repair the unit. If a replacement is needed, they can advise accordingly.

CMB Air is a residential heating and cooling installation, service, and repair company with 15+ years of experience serving Tampa and surrounding areas. If you need AC repairs and maintenance, AC installation, ductless AC systems, GREE ductless mini-split systems, Fujitsu mini-split systems, and Durastar mini-split systems, we can help! Call (813) 447-1443 today!


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