Reasons Homeowners Are Reluctant to Have an Energy Audit

A residential energy audit, also known as an energy analysis, gives homeowners more information on their home energy use from qualified industry professionals. However, homeowners often don’t think calling in an expert for an energy audit will be worth the hassle. This article will focus on the most common reasons for putting off an audit and why it’s time to change that mindset.

Audit costs

The first worry owners have about audits is the cost of the process. Energy auditors are highly qualified professionals, and their services don’t come for free. Municipal governments and energy companies sometimes subsidize aspects of an audit. With these incentives, owners can receive a high-grade audit for a fraction of the total cost and learn what improvements will allow them to save more money in the long run.

It’s important to note that not all audits or auditors provide the same services. Some of the most critical features include a blower door test, which might not be included in a low-cost energy audit. To ensure the deal is not too good to be true, it’s best to consult various auditing companies and get their qualifications and an overview of the services they offer.

Actual savings against investment

While an audit can provide the information necessary to improve a home’s energy efficiency, implementing the changes can become an ordeal. Some improvements take time to see a return on investment. An energy auditor can suggest various upgrades, ranging from near-term to long-term improvements.

Some of the more notable changes can even come at minimal or no extra cost to the owner. They can take advantage of various government subsidies on property and building renovations, including the Property Assessed Clean Energy program, which has residential programs in Florida, California, and Missouri.

Additionally, an energy audit can provide valuable insight into the owners’ energy use habits and suggest a direct course of action like changing or overhauling the system to better fit the family’s needs.

In general, the maintained cost of keeping the system running inefficiently will be more expensive in the long term. The decreased utility and energy bills will typically offset a municipally subsidized audit’s combined expenses, minimum investments, and measures to improve efficiency.

Some real estate companies require owners to submit to an audit and receive an energy rating, influencing the property’s value on the market.

Fear of the unknown

Even if the energy audit sounds like a good investment, owners might be unwilling to let an auditor into their home due to fear of what they could find and how it would be handled in the end.

Professional auditing companies prosper by building positive relationships with the community and ensuring the best result for all parties involved. Their goal is to make the home a safer, more comfortable, and less expensive place to live in and enjoy.

For more information about energy audits available for homeowners and what you can expect during one, consult a qualified auditing company.

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