Common Heating Issues to Look for During Winter

Sometimes, certain areas of the home are impossible to heat, while others seem to receive too much heat.

It’s easy to forget the extreme conditions of winter during the warmer months. When the temperature drops, homeowners find relief through their heating systems. However, after months without use, the sudden regular use of the furnace can cause some problems. Homeowners should refresh their memory on the most common heating issues to quickly identify them and schedule expert repairs when needed.

Abnormal or stressed sounds

As more time is spent indoors, residents develop an acute sense of what an operable heating unit sounds like. Stay alert for any sounds that might be out of the ordinary or indicate the unit is working too hard. These are signs of upcoming failure or increased electricity bills. The sooner these sounds are identified and attended to, the more affordable the repair is.

Musty or crude smells

Most furnaces emit a smell. Pay careful attention to whether or not this smell becomes too musky, stuffy, or evolves into a crude nature. This can be a direct result of an old filter polluting the circulating air. This can cause health issues for anyone around and likely indicates that the unit is working harder than necessary to operate, meaning the energy bill may start to rise.

Flashing lights

The colors of the lights on a heating system usually indicate something, so it’s important to know what each color means. For newer units, these lights can indicate a problem before it’s otherwise apparent. Early detection is critical to maintaining the longevity of a furnace, so homeowners should check these lights regularly during the winter to ensure everything is operating smoothly.

Hot and cold spots

Sometimes, certain areas of the home are impossible to heat, while others seem to receive too much heat. This substantially raises the electricity bill as the unit overcompensates to heat those areas and indicates that the unit has issues that must be resolved. A home should be thoroughly and equally heated in almost every area; if not, contact a professional to assess and resolve the issue.

As the temperatures begin to drop, it’s essential to be aware of common heating unit malfunctions. Homeowners should be informed of how to maintain their heating systems, as they’re a substantial investment that provides comfort to the home. Keep these common problems in mind, and if anything abnormal does arise, do not hesitate to contact a professional HVAC repair team immediately.

Call CMB Air when you need help with your heating system. We offer a wide variety of heating services ranging from HVAC replacement, HVAC blower motor, heating installation and replacement, heating repair and maintenance, heat pump installation, heat pump repair, and heat pump replacement. Get in touch with our experts at (813) 447-1443.


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